Two buckets…..
First Bucket: The Mueller investigation should and will be allowed to finish. The question of whether Trump fires Mueller is only a wishful thinking exercise by the Democrats. And Trump is about to be given a HUGE favorable talking point by the Inspector General’s report in two to three weeks. The obvious should be stated though. If there was any evidence supporting Trump/Russian collusion it would have manifested itself by now. The Mueller investigation is about to turn one year-old. Its existence at this point is tearing the country apart and serves no useful purpose (unless its purpose all along was to wreck the federal government, manufacture a political cudgel for the 2018 elections, and confirm victory for the KGB). If Mueller is a fair man, it’s time for him to show his cards and wrap it up. He’s had more than enough time. Not arguable.
As Andrew McCarthy trenchantly opined, the Russian election meddling issue NEVER should have been politicized with a D.O.J. special counsel investigation. It should have been quietly classified and pursued with extreme prejudice as a counter-intelligence mission. Obviously, going forward, it should be reclassified and pursued as such.
Second bucket: The Obama Administration corrupted the D.O.J. It’s a shame. The mounting evidence clearly shows that it occurred.
But something far worse happened under the Obama Administration: The unprecedented power of the surveillance “tool box” built by the George W. Bush Administration was commandeered by the Obama Administration for political purposes. This happened. This clearly happened. Andrew McCabe was the first domino to fall. Others can’t fall soon enough – James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, James Clapper, and that creep traitor John Brennan. They’re all guilty. And for this reason there is a crescendo of voices calling for a second independent counsel to bring these despicable, incompetent apparatchiks to justice.
I personally don’t want to see a second independent counsel to investigate. As Alan Dershowitz screamed nine months ago – “It’s time to stop the criminalization of politics.” All of this only further divides the country. For sure, publicly humiliate the above list of people. They should all be shunned. But they should INDEPENDENTLY face normal prosecution for any laws broken.
The time has long past for the American Left to accept Trump’s victory and move on……Please.