How much longer will the sloth peddlers (i.e. the Democratic Party) continue with their happy talk regarding Obamacare?
The central planners and plan-supporters should be ashamed of themselves. Their legislation has been a hard brake on the U.S. economy and poisonous to the incentive structure of our society….
In my perfect dream President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, George Miller, Henry Waxman, Howard Schultz (yes, Starbucks), Michael Bloomberg, Paul Krugman, the Sulzberger Family, and all Keynesians would be exiled to the “Isle of Economically Illiterate” – forever….We’d see our economy soar….
The Republicans are going to easily take control of the Senate this November and then? The march to repeal this disgrace begins in earnest….
Going forward, anyone who feels compelled to defend the ACA? Please, catch yourself and contemplate how the law’s unintended consequences are hurting far more people than the law’s intended benefits are helping…….
Creating and supporting a law like the ACA is what happens when a plurality of our intelligentsia ignores (or can’t comprehend) the hard-earned knowledge of Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek….
The ACA is the worst law ever passed and IT WILL BE REPEALED….Book it…..