Melissa Francis revealed last week on FOX Business channel that as an employee of CNBC in 2010 she did an in-depth piece on Obamacare (then being crafted)…..She reported the arithmetic was egregiously flawed and the Ocare selling points were plainly false…..She was promptly called to the c-suite and told her reporting “was disrespectful to the office of the presidency” and instructed to do something else……
Think about that….Not only was the Obama Administration and the then Democratically-controlled Congress deceiving the “stupid” American public but the mainstream media was running interference FOR the deceivers – an interference that continues to this day……..
Which brings me to Jonathan Gruber…..
Thank you Mr. Gruber for your irrepressible candor…..The country salutes you!
This guy’s thought process pretty much summarizes EVERYTHING that Friedrich Hayek warned should be avoided: THE FATAL CONCEIT……
“Just do what you’re told. We know best. You’re too stupid to understand. Our plan will work because it will. Unintended consequences are an academic abstraction that the greedy use to obfuscate. Our moral superiority gives us license to deceive the masses – a noble deception in our messy democracy. The ends justify the means. You’ll thank us later!”
How many permutations can be authored using this arrogant technocrat Gruber? (Could one ask for a better Dickensian name?)
“Hey, now wait a minute! I think you’re Grubering me”
“That’s a Gruberite argument.”
“She spent her life Gruberlytizing.”
“The consensus was that capitalism collapsed under the heavy yoke of Gruberism.”
The 2016 Presidential debates for the Republican candidate will have a beautiful zinger waiting….Let Hillary (or better yet, Elizabeth Warren) drone on and on with their plan for the country. Then, in response, the Republican candidate need only reply while gently shaking his or her head “I didn’t know you were fluent in Gruber.”
The American electorate has a difficult time absorbing the indisputable wisdom of Hayek and Friedman but Gruber they get….Joe “the plumber” step aside. Gruber is IN THE HOUSE!